Council Agenda for 22 April 1997
This is a copy of the agenda as issued by the City Clerk's office -- but this version is not official! Contact the City Clerk's office 415-377-3420 for an official version. This is provided by Fantasia Systems Inc. and Glenn Tenney as a service to the community... we are not responsible for errors of any kind. Please let us know if you find this of use.
7:15 p.m. Closed Session - Litigation Matters (Brooks; Perry; Koll; Techite; and Kiewit) Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(a) and Labor Negotiations, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.6, Employee Organizations: Police Officers Association and Fire Union; City Negotiator: Jim Nantell - Conference Room C
7:45 p.m. Agenda Review - Conference Room C
8:00 p.m. Redevelopment Agency and Regular Session - Council Chambers
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call.
1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 7, 1997.
The matter numbered 2 below is considered to be routine by the Redevelopment Agency and may be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.
2. Approval of Purchase - Southern Pacific Property - Fifth and Railroad Avenues
Concur in recommendation of Director of Community Development and: 1) approve purchase of property located south of Fifth Avenue and east of railroad right-of-way, known as Southern Pacific property, from Raiser Development Company, LLC, for amount not to exceed $925,000; 2) approve one-year loan of $925,000 from City to Redevelopment Agency for purchase; 3) authorize staff to enter into agreement with Subsurface Consultants, Inc. for amount not to exceed $30,200 for soils investigation and geotechnical analysis; direct staff to initiate design of parking lot for use of site; and adopt:
(a) Agency Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and Raiser Development Company, LLC, for the Purchase of Property Located South of Fifth Avenue and Claremont Street Known as the Southern Pacific Property;
(b) Agency Resolution No. ____ (1997) Accepting a $925,000 Advance from the City of San Mateo to the Redevelopment Agency to Purchase the Southern Pacific Property;
(c) Agency Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and Subsurface Consultants, Inc. for Environmental Services for the Fifth Avenue and Claremont Site (Not to Exceed $30,200).
3. Other Business - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.
4. Adjourn as Redevelopment Agency.
5. Youth in Government Week
Introduction of "Youth in Government Week" student participants.
The matters numbered 6 through 13 below are considered to be routine by the City Council and may be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.
6. Ordinance for Adoption - Supplemental Budget Appropriations - Police and Library Grants
Ordinance No. 1997-____ Appropriating $298,072 in Supplemental
Budget Appropriations FY 1996-97 for Police and Library Grants.
(Introduced April 7, 1997, Item 11a.)
7. Approval of Purchase - Southern Pacific
Property - Fifth and Railroad Avenues
Concur in recommendation of Director of Community Development and: 1)
approve purchase of property located south of Fifth Avenue and east of railroad
right-of-way, known as Southern Pacific property, from Raiser Development
Company, LLC, for amount not to exceed $925,000; 2) approve one-year loan
of $925,000 from City to Redevelopment Agency for purchase; 3) authorize
staff to enter into agreement with Subsurface Consultants, Inc. for amount
not to exceed $30,200 for soils investigation and geotechnical analysis;
direct staff to initiate design of parking lot for use of site; and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Authorizing a $925,000 Advance to the Redevelopment Agency to Purchase the Southern Pacific Property.
8. City of San Mateo Contribution to
Family Housing and Homeless Trust Fund
Concur in recommendation of Director of Community Development and approve
contribution of $20,562 from City Housing Fund (Project #0911 - formerly
the Affordable Housing Trust) to San Mateo County Family Housing and Homeless
Trust Fund for 1996-97; and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving a Contribution
of $20,562 from the City of San Mateo Housing Fund to the San Mateo County
Family Housing and Homeless Trust Fund for 1996-97.
9. 1997 Maximum Rental Rates and Sales
Prices for Affordable Housing - City of San Mateo Below Market Rate (Inclusionary)
Housing Program
Concur in recommendation of Director of Community Development and approve
establishment of 1997 maximum rental rates and sales prices for affordable
housing as required by City of San Mateo Below Market Rate (BMR) housing
program; and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Establishing the 1997
Maximum Rental Rates and Sales Prices for Affordable Housing as Required
by the City of San Mateo's Below Market Rate (BMR) Housing Program.
10. Reallocation - Senior Building Inspector
to Deputy Building Official and Revision of Job Specification
Concur in recommendation of Community Development Director and Personnel
and Organizational Development Manager and adopt proposed reallocation from
Senior Building Inspector to Deputy Building Official and revision of Deputy
Building Official job specification.
11. Approval - Memorandum of Understanding - International Association
of Fire Fighters, Local 2400
Concur in recommendation of Deputy City Manager and approve contract
with Fire Union, IAFF Local 2400 for contract year beginning April 20, 1997
through April 18, 1998; and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving the Memorandum
of Understanding Between the City of San Mateo and the International Association
of Fire Fighters, Local 2400
(April 20, 1997 - April 18, 1998).
12. Smoking Ordinances - Vending Machines - Exemption from Food
& Drug Administration Regulation
Concur in recommendation of Council Member Hill and authorize Mayor
to execute papers requesting exemption from Food and Drug Administration
regulation that would allow use of vending machines for distribution of
tobacco products.
13. Investment Activity Report
Concur in recommendation of Finance Director/City Treasurer and accept
investment activity reports for three months ended February, 1997.
ACTION: Adopt CONSENT CALENDAR or take other action.
Open hearing, hear testimony, close or continue hearing on the following:
14.* PA 95-035 BAY MEADOWS SPECIFIC PLAN, Specific
Plan of the Bay Meadows Race Track including the practice track, barn area,
and the main track area and US 101/Hillsdale Boulevard freeway interchange
(APN 040-010-010 and 040-030-070)
A. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to assess environmental impacts.
B. Amendments to various General Plan elements to update policies, text, and maps pertaining to proposed development within the Bay Meadows Specific Plan area.
C. Adoption of the Bay Meadows Specific Plan.
D. Amendments to the Zoning Code to revise Section 27.02.160 regarding density transfer, and to add Chapter 27.88 Bay Meadows Specific Plan.
E. Reclassification of the following areas contained within the Bay Meadows Specific Plan area: the Practice Track area from R3 Multiple Family Dwellings (Medium Density) and C1-1 Neighborhood Commercial to Bay Meadows Specific Plan and TC Transportation Corridor; the Barn area and Main Track area from Agricultural District to Bay Meadows Specific Plan.
F. Amendments to the Municipal Code to add Sections 23.06.035 (f)(1)(H) and 23.06.035 (f)(3)(G) regarding demolition of structures.
G. Site Development Permit for grading and surcharge
of the site tree removal and for construction of a tunnel access under the
Main Track.
The Bay Meadows Specific Plan area is approximately 204 acres, including
the 34-acre US 101/Hillsdale Boulevard interchange area. The Specific Plan
area is bounded by US 101 to the east; Hillsdale Boulevard and single family
residences to the south; the Southern Pacific railroad corridor to the west;
and the San Mateo County Exposition Center and single family residences
to the north. A portion of the Specific Plan area also extends to the northwest
to include the right-of-way for the Saratoga Drive extension from Hillsdale
Boulevard. The project area is currently zoned R3 Multiple Family Dwellings
(Medium Density), C1-1 Neighborhood Commercial, Agricultural (A), and Transportation
Corridor (TC).
OWNER/APPLICANT: California Jockey Club
Bay Meadows Racetrack
P.O. Box 5050
San Mateo, CA 94402
by Raymond Kuratek
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving Adoption of Amendment No. 5 to Various Elements of the General Plan Reflecting Changes Incorporating the Provisions of the Bay Meadows Specific Plan; and Establishing the Bay Meadows Specific Plan -- for adoption.
(b) Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Section 27.02.160 Regarding Density Transfer -- for introduction.
(c) Ordinance No. 1997-____ Adding Chapter 27.88 to Create a Zoning District Called "Bay Meadows Specific Plan" -- for introduction.
(d) Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending
Section 23.06.035 Regarding Demolition Permits -- for introduction.
ACTION: Adopt resolution certifying Final Environmental
Impact Report as adequate to assess environmental effects, adopting required
findings and statements of overriding considerations, approving Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program, based on findings in Exhibit A, adopting
Amendments to the City of San Mateo General Plan (Exhibit B), adopting Bay
Meadows Specific Plan with modified pages (Exhibit C), subject to conditions
of approval (Exhibit D); introduce ordinance amending Zoning Code sections
(Exhibit E), amending Section 27.02.160, Density Transfer, adding new Section
27.88, Bay Meadows Specific Plan, reclassifying Practice Track Area, reclassifying
Barn Area and Main Track Area; introduce ordinance amending Section 23.06.035
(f)(1)(H) and adding Section 23.06.035 (f)(3)(G) (Exhibit F); approve Site
Development Permit for grading and surcharge of site and for construction
of tunnel access under Main Track, subject to findings and conditions of
approval (Exhibit G); or take other action.
15. OTHER BUSINESS - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.
* NOTE: This is a final decision concluding all administrative proceedings. Judicial review may be had only if a petition is filed with the Court not later than the 90th day following the date the decision is made. Judicial review of the environmental determinations may be subject to a time period for litigation as short as 30 days following the date the decision is made.